Tag: Recipes

Recipe – Fire Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

Fire Roasted Tomato Basil Soup
Fire Roasted Tomato Basil Soup


This is a recipe that I originally borrowed from my friend Dan.  This is quite easy to make and the ingredients are fairly inexpensive! It’s always a crowd pleaser!

Seriously, just make this.  And some grilled cheese!

Recipe – Cinnabons



One of the most evil and delicious things human beings have invented.  Of all of my silly little specialties that I make, this one has had the most time, effort, and revisions put into it.  This recipe is quite a process to undertake.  It takes a few hours to make and it probably takes more than a few hours off of your life.  They’re so good though.


Recipe – Creme de Menthe Brownies

Creme de Menthe Brownies
Creme de Menthe Brownies


This is a family classic that my mom has been making for years.  I believe it was passed into her possession by my Aunt Linda!

It’s pretty simple (especially if you take my advice and don’t bother cooking the brownies from scratch).  It’s delicious (it has lots of butter and sugar and also has a bit of booze).

Recipe – Fire Roasted Salsa

Fire Roasted Salsa - Final

Fire Roasted Salsa


Mysterious.  Smokey.  Delicious.

This is a neat and simple recipe I’ve been revising with time.  This doesn’t taste like any salsa I’ve ever had from the store.  Fire roasting the vegetables really makes the flavors very interesting.  I’ve had friends and family try this, and they have all been quite impressed with it.

Yeah.  You will be too.

Recipe – Guacamole 2010

Guacamole - Finished
Guacamole – Finished


Guacamole is a pretty simple and ludicrously delicious thing.  Read on for this simple recipe!